Planned Giving
Planned giving is a way for you to
A bequest is a convenient way to provide for your family, others and the future of the Museum in your will. This can be accomplished in the following ways: through a specific percentage, dollar amount or asset designated to the Museum; or after allocations have been distributed to beneficiaries, the remainder or a designated portion may be then gifted to the Museum.
The Commemorative Air Force Minnesota Wing can be included in your original will or at a later point and can added by your attorney. |
Donating your life insurance could be a wonderful way to fulfill your desire to support the Museum. Perhaps you purchased a life insurance policy to provide financial security for the household, dependents or a business partnership, and you have determined you no longer need it for this purpose. Naming the National Corvette Museum as owner and beneficiary of a life insurance policy can also provide a tax deductible contribution.
For a gift of a paid-up policy, the tax deduction is the cost of replacing the coverage with a comparable policy. The deduction cannot be greater than your net investment in the policy (total premiums paid less any dividends received). To qualify for the federal charitable deduction on a gift of a new or existing policy, please make certain to name the National Corvette Museum as owner and beneficiary of the policy.
For a gift of a paid-up policy, the tax deduction is the cost of replacing the coverage with a comparable policy. The deduction cannot be greater than your net investment in the policy (total premiums paid less any dividends received). To qualify for the federal charitable deduction on a gift of a new or existing policy, please make certain to name the National Corvette Museum as owner and beneficiary of the policy.